Thursday, January 29, 2009

They will lie to you - the people I mean

When someone surrenders an animal to us, we try to collect as much info about the animal as possible - name, age, personality, and whether he/she is sterilized. We had a beautiful white adult female Great Pyrenees surrendered to us a while ago. This owner said she was spayed and she was quickly adopted. Today we had her back - to be spayed!! She had gone into heat. Luckily the new owner was very understanding and simply brought her back to us this morning for surgery. They were so glad to see each other when he picked her up this afternoon.

People lie to us all the time. An animal at large was "let out by a neighbor". A lost animal wasn't outside without a leash, it was "stolen" by people unknown. The surrendered animal isn't "my animal", it's a stray found on the side of the road. I know it's not healthy to be such a cynic but it's hard to be sympathetic when what we really care about it the health and happiness of the animal. It's hard dealing with people who don't have the same level of compassion for these creatures that we do - people who see them as property or as accessories.

But we do it, every day. It makes the happy endings even more precious.

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