Monday, March 9, 2009

Ethical Quagmires

What are we going to do with my sweet young pittie? He's been with me on and off since he was brought in as a result of a cruelty complaint and we have worked very hard to make him healthy and to socialize him. He went home with an eager adopter but the resident dog would have nothing to do with him and he was back in a week. This weekend he snapped at a volunteer and now we just don't know if we can adopt him out again. It's not his fault. He will need someone who can spend some time working with him. What are we going to do?

It comes down to the same question at the foundation of so many ethical quagmires - how do you allocate precious limited resources? Do you spend $100 to save one animal with issues or to save ten animals without? The same is found in human healthcare, education, even economic stimulus packages!

Every day we ask, what are we going to do?

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