Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Leo, Leona and Fiona

A bad sign, I've begun naming the animals in my office. Little Bit was okay because he came in to us with that name. But everyone else I'm sharing my office with right now has a name I have given them. Leo is the parakeet and since he's going to stay it's okay that I've named him. Whenever he talks and chatters at me it takes me back to my childhood when we had Charlie, a parakeet with very similar coloring. Leona is the torti cat with beautiful green eyes. I've become very fond of her and could see bringing her home if she doesn't get adopted. I've named the choc lab mom Fiona. Chocolabmom sounds too much like "Octo Mom" so I had to come up with something else. And it sounds absurd to call her Baby when she is sitting in her kiddie pool nursing five babies of her own.

It's also easier when I have people walk by my door and ask "what's her name?" Does giving our animals names get them adopted sooner? I don't know for sure but suspect that it does.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's been proven that giving animals names does indeed help with adoptions. Just be careful of the names. We named one Rascal and it became a prediction!